Elevator Modernization

An elevator modernization is a complex subject, where all building aspects need careful consideration. Selecting the best elevator product is only one part of the equation. Electrical and mechanical systems, fire alarm, structural, and other items should be reviewed to ensure the installation is fully compliant, and the modernization objectives are met within the projected budget.

Benefits of Hiring EES

We help property owners and managers with the modernization process, starting from the elevator condition assessment, preparing elevator specification, and conducting inspections to ensure the elevators have been upgraded as per the latest code and client requirements. It also includes coordination with other disciplines, such as electrical and mechanical consultants, which is typically outside of the elevator contractor's scope.

We strive staying compliant with local and national regulations governing elevating devices. Selecting the most suitable elevator solution for a given building, addressing maintenance issues promptly, and optimizing elevator performance, all can lead to significant cost savings in the long run.